The Winning Numbers of Keno

Can you predict the winning numbers for Keno! Many a time you may choose numbers that your instinct says to you that these are lucky for you like your birth date or the day of your work/marriage anniversary. Keno players always search for the best numbers as they are eager to win this game of chance. Some like you and me have their own favourite set of lucky numbers they use each time they buy a keno ticket. Others switch their numeric combination around, hoping to find the numbers which are hot or the spots which are due. Also, many systems exist for finding a good number combination for the players’ benefit.
Let us see how Keno players select their winning numbers and how these selections of numbers really place them in the winners’ list.

1. Sequential Numbers
When you ask people for advice they will recommend you to select sequential numbers. These people note that many lottery draws have consecutive arrangements, such as the number 23 and 24 coming back to back. One of the big Australian lotto games in the past week had the numbers 25 and 26 back-to-back. You can even play Keno on iPhone and Android and get Australian lotto results on their official game app.
The analysts suggested these happen more often than expected, so it’s a good idea to cluster spots on your card. No suggestion was offered for which number would be best.
2. The Hot Spots
Numbers that hit a lot become the Hot Spots. If you’ve seen “33” appear in several recent draws, then it’s best to select this spot on the card. To this way of thinking, lucky keno numbers exist and you only have to find the pattern to exploit this good fortune.
3. Regulars
Players start looking through the last 10 or 20 or even 100 keno draws to find which number between 1 and 80 is occurring most frequently. Keno draws happen every 3 to 5 minutes or so every single day in Australia. That information is posted online within short order. Aussies thus have access to a huge amount of data on the subject. All one has to do is get a spreadsheet, record the data, and crunch the numbers.
4. Due Numbers
The opposite of finding “hot” spots is to find those which are due. In this line of thinking, players find numbers which have been silent for a while. The law of averages says these numerals should be due for a hit sometime soon. In this system, you take the information above and extrapolate those which haven’t hit in a while.
This is similar to the electronic board found at many roulette tables, which shows the last 10 to 20 spins. People see that red or black hasn’t hit in 10 spins (or the same with even and odd) and they decide to bet the opposite, knowing fortune is bound to flip soon. These roulette gamblers sometimes wager a lot of money in hopes the law of averages evens out.
What are the Winning Numbers of Keno?
As stated above all the above systems to choose the lucky numbers aren’t based on logic. There is nothing such as hot or cold numbers that exist. No option between 1 and 80 is any more likely to turn up in the keno live draw than any other option.
Each time a draw happens, all the numbers have the exact same chance of being drawn. The idea you can look through the recent draws and extrapolate a winning strategy is simply finding patterns in chaos. The randomization process is entirely chaotic, a set of random events which have no bearing on one another.
The Misconception
Several of the strategies above are based on a player’s false belief that the “law of averages” somehow rules in lottery style games. It doesn’t. No such law governs betting on Keno Just because 65 came up last draw, that doesn’t mean it’s any more or less likely to appear in the next draw.
Name any number of keno results you’ve experienced: one thousand, ten thousand, or even twenty thousand draws. Collect the statistics and calculate the numbers on all those results and it’s still a small, inconsequential sample when we’re talking about the huge numbers needed for the probabilistic theory to play out. It’s bigger than all the keno draws which have ever taken place.
Random Number Generators

Random number generators or known as RNG are used to randomize which numbers are drawn when you play Keno at online casinos. In the old days with mechanical draws, the results might have favoured one possibility or another. Balls might be misshapen, cracked, or a bit heavier than others, which might have made them more or less likely to be chosen. That’s no longer the case. Online Keno RNGs come up with numbers at an electronic rate. These numbers are truly random, with little chance of a mistake. Even if a glitch appeared, it’s not a good bet to assume that’s going to happen.
Birthdays and Special Dates
As said earlier players go for birth dates or special dates they may feel lucky. But it is suggested that one should avoid common numbers, such as birth dates, holidays, and favourite jersey numbers from sports. The idea is many people are likely to pick these same numbers. If you win, you’re more likely to have to share your jackpot with other people with your birthday or who share your love of sports.
Chinese Numbers
Keno originated in China and exploded in popularity in the West in the 19th century when they brought the lotto variant over to North America. Many players associate Chinese numbers to their game of Keno.
The Number Six in China is associated with wealth in Cantonese, six is a number particularly loved by Chinese business owners – attributable to its similar pronunciation in Mandarin (“liu”) to the word flow (“liú”).

Eight is the magic number not just for Chinese keno players, but Chinese people in general – so much so that the 2008 Beijing Olympics was held on the 8/8/08 at 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8pm local time. With similarities in sound to the words for “prosper” and “wealth” (“Pinyin: f?”), eight is their cultural holy grail Lucky Number Nine is historically associated with the Emperor of China and Chinese mythology, nine is the symbol of harmony and a homophone for the word “long lasting” and is used frequently at wedding ceremonies. As such, it’s a closely held lucky number for cultural reasons.
All these strategy advice doesn’t matter in a keno lottery, because the game uses a payout schedule. It doesn’t matter if every other person playing chose the same numbers; you would be paid the same. In the end, the best numbers in keno are likely to be some random combination which has no bearing on previous draws or your personal aura.
Keno draws are a random event, it is better to stay positive and think about being lucky at keno instead of worrying for numbers. Put enough of a wager to make the game interested and don’t bet too much to win the game.